Hear from the women who attended Take Up Space Experience in Atlanta as they share their expectations, feelings, and comments on being a part of the day. Yesenia Burros of our media team, Myxxfly interviewed the attendees and captured their various responses on video.  Listen in. 

The Expectations

As everyone arrived the day of we wanted to know what brought them the experience, what were they feeling before the day started, and what they were looking forward to the most.  Here are a few of their responses…

Falami Shares Her Reasons For Attending

1min 36sec

Robyn Shares Why She Joined Us

1 min

The Experience

What was it like to actually be in the room at the Take Up Space Experience in Atlanta, Georgia? We could never duplicate the feelings but a few of the attendees share their feelings the best they can with their words. 

Ryan Reviews Take Up Space in ATL

 3min 12sec